Sunday, August 29, 2010

Black Asian Dating - Why the government encourages dating

While there are a boatload of dating and matchmaking companies, Singapore has the only government-run dating company of sorts that was setup for the sole purpose of encouraging people to enter relationships.

Well, and I think that that is an excellent measure to counter the declining numbers of marriages in the country. Despite all the good of dating, many people should not to enter a relationship due to work and family commitments as they do not wish to increase their burden. Of course, there is also the issue of cost. Many people think that dating entails going out for movies and dinner at posh restaurants. While this could be true, black Asian dating can also be at someone’s house or at a simple cozy but affordable restaurant. Nevertheless, dating will surely increase costs and for Asian countries with such a high cost of living, Singapore and other developed countries such as Japan or even America should be worrying.

*Update: There was a recent dating campaign conducted in Singapore.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Black Asian Dating – Why the girls want dating so bad

Today, I won’t be focusing that much on Black Asian Dating but more dating in general. Many guys are afraid that the girl of their dreams doesn’t like them or that they aren’t interested in relationships etc. but the truth is girls are the ones that dream of marrying, not guys. It takes an average of 2 years 11 months in the UK before dating becomes marriage but research has shown that those same females would have agreed an average of 7 months earlier. Now, what does this show?

Many people think that guys should be the ones that initiate a relationship. They couldn’t be more wrong. In fact, the women are the one that initiate the relationship most of the time. You may say that this is not true and even in your case, the male was the one who started it. However, research was done and it seems that girls use their body language to hint to males their interest, thus encouraging the male to open his mouth. Several body linguists agree.

Despite this, there has been a drop in couples dating due to a lack of time on both sides. Many females still do want to have a relationship but career-minded individuals prevent this. After all, many people see their career and the relationships as a zero-sum game. If you want to excel in your career, then you need to give up relationships. This same lack of time to date has led to the rise in computer dating systems and speed dating, both engineered to help you save time, either by matching you with the “right guy” from the outset or exposing you to a large number of prospects in a small time frame. Thus, many people have chosen to enroll themselves in such programs and the results are promising. With an aging population in many developed countries, I truly hope for the effectiveness of these programs.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

My First Ezine Articles Article

Posted my first article on the giant ezine site Ezine Articles on the same topic and essentially the same content as my previous post Controlling your anxiety on the First Date. If interested, you can visit Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness.

Tip of the Day:
Girls care about attitude more than you think. More often than not, girls would tend to guys who are more gentlemanly and are more thoughtful. So, think about that!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Controlling your anxiety on the first date

dating shynessI have two main immediate solutions to controlling anxiety. While the only true way to overcome anxiety would be to gain more experience by exposing oneself to more social events, this is not always possible. So, the only way to do it would be by convincing oneself that all is fine and good, as I will elaborate below.First, remind yourself of the gravity of the issue. You are on your first date and first impressions are important and all. If you screw this up, you could very well loose your only chance at going out with this guy/girl, that is a given. Now, before you go on tell me that I am not helping you in the least, I want to point this out. What worse could happen? The worst that can come out of this would be that you won't have a chance to date this person anymore. It isn't the end of the world. Just take it easy and just go for it. After all, you don't have much to loose.

Secondly, why are you afraid? From my experience, the top answers would be that you are afraid that the opposite sex doesn't like how you are dressed, how you speak, how you talk to her etc. One thing all these people never seem to get is that all this negative feedback isn't her/him, but in fact you yourself! Now, as long as you go easy on yourself, present yourself the best you can, you have nothing to fear. Even if the other person doesn't like the way you are, so be it. It might be an indication that you just aren't suited to be with him/her. Accept it and go on with life.

In view of the above, I hope this post has given you insight into how you can take control of your own emotions on your first date. Good luck and thanks for your attention.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hindrance to your Dating Success - Shyness

Are you afraid of meeting the opposite sex? Cat got your tongue? Or are you just afraid of rejection? Well, the above are all symptoms of shyness, the number one reason why both guys and girls fail to find success in dating.

Lucky for us, this is one of the only things that you can grow out of. Truth is, who hasn't been shy when they were young. Experience is what sets the confident and the shy apart. Of course, those who have never attended social functions or who rarely interact would find it difficult to express themselves and would thus be "shy", especially if they are dating.

Well, one of the most commonly encountered problem when one is shy is the silence encountered. This makes it awkward and you just don't know how to express yourselves.

1) Learn More - read the papers or magazines so that you have something to talk about
2) Ask Questions - if you don't understand something, feel free to ask. This breaks the silence and clarifies what you don't understand
3) Point Something out-Make observations about your conversation
4) Go back into Something discussed previously-If you can remember something you discuss last week, why not bring it up again?

That's it for this post. Have a good day.