Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hindrance to your Dating Success - Shyness

Are you afraid of meeting the opposite sex? Cat got your tongue? Or are you just afraid of rejection? Well, the above are all symptoms of shyness, the number one reason why both guys and girls fail to find success in dating.

Lucky for us, this is one of the only things that you can grow out of. Truth is, who hasn't been shy when they were young. Experience is what sets the confident and the shy apart. Of course, those who have never attended social functions or who rarely interact would find it difficult to express themselves and would thus be "shy", especially if they are dating.

Well, one of the most commonly encountered problem when one is shy is the silence encountered. This makes it awkward and you just don't know how to express yourselves.

1) Learn More - read the papers or magazines so that you have something to talk about
2) Ask Questions - if you don't understand something, feel free to ask. This breaks the silence and clarifies what you don't understand
3) Point Something out-Make observations about your conversation
4) Go back into Something discussed previously-If you can remember something you discuss last week, why not bring it up again?

That's it for this post. Have a good day.

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